Leave Your Grinding Worries to Us

A-Z Abrasive CZ s.r.o.

We provide comprehensive grinding solutions. Our modern tools and techniques ensure maximum efficiency and high-quality results. We specialize in the development and production of customized grinding technologies tailored to each customer's needs.

Increase Your Productivity

Save time and maximize performance with our advanced grinding tools. We ensure that your production runs smoothly and with high precision.

Fast Delivery Times

We deliver our tools quickly—usually within 14 days, and even faster in urgent cases. Our flexibility helps minimize downtime and accelerate production.

Comprehensive Diagnostics and Training

We diagnose machines and processes. If you encounter grinding issues, we find the cause and offer solutions for perfect results.

About Us

A-Z Abrasive CZ s.r.o. is a company specializing in grinding technologies. We can develop tools in collaboration with production partners or, in the case of cubic boron nitride tools, produce them ourselves to meet specific application needs.
The biggest advantage of our products is the short delivery time, typically within 14 days, or even less in critical cases.

Our work only ends when you are grinding products productively and in line with the drawing specifications. If complications arise during grinding, we identify the issue and help resolve it. We also address cost efficiency, tool savings, and a comprehensive approach to grinding.

We are also capable of diagnosing machine conditions (bearings, stiffness, frequency, machine setup, etc.) with a subsequent evaluation of what exactly needs repair.

We train machine operators, technologists, and foremen to ensure the grinding process generates profit and avoids downtime and complications. If you're unsure about your competitiveness, we can evaluate your process.

Our services are used by machine manufacturers and sales representatives. For our long-term partners, we grind prototype orders, initial series, hard-to-machine materials, extremely precise large or small parts, and much more.

Our Services

Comprehensive Grinding Technologies

We provide complete solutions for grinding technologies, including the development and production of custom-made tools. We specialize in various types of grinding, including cubic boron nitride (CBN) and other abrasive materials.

Grinding Training

We organize training sessions for machine operators, technologists, and management. We focus on improving knowledge and skills in grinding to ensure your team achieves maximum productivity and efficiency.

Grinding Process Optimization

We help companies optimize costs and production efficiency. We offer consultations focused on selecting the right tools, improving cost-effectiveness, and reducing downtime.

Machine and Process Diagnostics

We provide diagnostics for grinding machines, checking their stiffness, frequency, precision, etc.

Prototype and Custom Grinding

We offer grinding services for prototype parts, hard-to-machine materials, and extremely precise components. Our customers appreciate the quality, speed, and flexibility we provide in producing special orders.

Collaboration Opportunities

You can rely on us when...

  • You want to choose the optimal grinding tool
  • You are unsure about productivity
  • You want to increase profits
  • You need something ground
  • You want to train your operators
  • You need machine diagnostics
Application of Our Tools in the Grinding Process

Our Professional Technology

Grinding Technology

A-Z Abrasive CZ s.r.o. is a leading provider of grinding technologies with a tradition dating back to 1984. We specialize in precision grinding and training in the use of our technologies. Our company collaborates with leading firms in the automotive, aerospace, defense, and engineering industries.

What Can You Expect from the Training Course?

Effective Grinding Technology Course

This training was developed to support the competitiveness of companies engaged in grinding and as a response to market conditions. Our training program includes the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed for the effective and productive use of our grinding tools.

What is the Goal of the Training?
To increase grinding productivity, tool utilization, cost-efficiency in tool purchases, reduce grinding costs, and eliminate grinding problems.

The training covers the following topics:
1/ What is grinding and understanding the micro-cutting process
2/ Grinding tools and basic concepts
3/ Grinding parameters and how to set them
4/ Diamond dressers and the dressing process

Read more about what to expect from our course. Click here


Technical solutions to customer issues

Dimensional control during grinding of technical ceramics

Surface waviness problem

Face grinding jig for thin-walled products – result Ra 0,069µm


What's New

Successfully completed grinding course in Switzerland

We regularly post updates from our company on LinkedIn.
A-Z Abrasive CZ, s.r.o.

Our Team

Jiří Svoboda – Managing Director

Specialist in Grinding Technologies

Michal Wněk - Head of International Sales

Specialist in Grinding Technologies

Ing. Konstantin Hakobov

Head of Warehouse and Logistics

Contact Us

Contact Information

Company Headquarters

A-Z Abrasive CZ, s.r.o.
Lidická 700/19
602 00 Brno
IČ: 03971741
DIČ: CZ03971741

Warehouse and Delivery Address

A-Z Abrasive CZ, s.r.o.
Hodonín u Kunštátu 50
679 75 Kunštát
Contact Form

Contact us, we look forward to working with you

    Interested in any of our services?

    Contact us via our contact form or give us a call.

    A-Z Abrasive CZ, s.r.o.

    We provide comprehensive grinding solutions. Our modern tools and processes ensure maximum efficiency and high-quality results. We specialize in the development and production of customized grinding technologies tailored to each customer.

    Azabrasivecz.cz  2024. All rights reserved. Created by Martin Gondek